Jeb Bush anti-Semitic?

According to the New York Times (sports section), April 24, 2001,
Florida Governor Jeb Bush has told the Associated Press that New York
Knicks star Chris Ward should not be condemned for speaking his mind.
Ward had been quoted in an article in Sunday's Times Magazine as saying
that Jews have the blood of Christ on their hands. He also said several
other very unpleasant things about Jews.

Ward is a hero in Florida because he won the football Heisman Trophy
when he was a quarterback at Florida State in 1993. "If we're going to
become so rigid as a country to be able to disallow speech, even though
it may not be politically correct, I think we're in danger," Bush said.

"I doubt very seriously...that he had any meanness in his heart by those


Ward is spokesman for Florida's "Born to Read" literacy campaign. After
Sunday's article appeared, the American Jewish Congress sent a letter to

Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (remember her)? Asking that
Ward be removed from his role as campaign spokesperson.

Harris responded by saying that Ward is "an extraordinary role model for

children." She also said she had not read the Times Magazine article.

When Bush was asked if Ward remains a good role model for children, he
said, "Absolutely. Absolutely."

It is appalling that a major political figure -- and the brother of our
president -- is taking such a blatantly anti-Semitic
position, whether it is deliberate or unconscious. His words shouldn't
be buried in the sports section of America's newspaper of record. They
belong on Page One.

Perhaps it would be helpful if more people were aware of Governor Bush's

comments -- and for that reason, I hope that you will send this to

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